Thursday, April 9, 2009

Where To Buy Chicken Wings

Claim concluded

People of claim concluded:

Username: Fandom: Claim: Set: Images #:
[info] renki_chan Dragon Ball Vegeta Staff 04. 16. 22.
[info] weeping_ice Harry Potter Remus Lupin Vario I 16, 18 , 20.

Congratulations and thank you for having participated ^ _ ^.

Who Do Football Coaches Talk To

[Dragonball] [Vegeta] staff, 04

Author Name: renki_chan
Fandom: Dragonball
Title: When he won the blue on black
Claim: Vegeta @ [info] cameraoscura
Set: Personal
Picture number: 04
Rating: PG
Words: 400
Warnings: spoiler saga Androids
Table: claim Vegeta: Table

When ' blue wins on the black