Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Pointe And Demi Pointe
Australian aborigine tribe yolngu, artist Navurapu Vunugmurra presented in Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art 2009 Sculpture koshkoobraznyh creatures, evil spirits of his tribe - Moku.
Moku protect tribes Dhuva and Yirittya (This I was able to refine the web). Or maybe you know about them something else?
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Lung Cancer Edema Carcinoma
Who will be equal to the Zoo between the gods, your children?
Book of Fate, he grabbed her hands,
Power put on, stole laws,
then departed Zou, sat down in the mountains,
mouth utters, as if the gods Duranki.
foe his dust, he believes,
forces his terrified gods.
Myth of Anzu
Once at the dawn of times, spilled from the spring waters of the Tigris and Euphrates, from the stone flesh rocky mountains that props abode Igigov immortal gods, arose in the vast lands of Mesopotamia mighty grace lvinogolovaya bird that was commanding the winds and storms, and produce vortices blows eagle wings. The wise people of the Sumerians called it a bird Zu, or Anzu (Anzu), which means "distant sky" or some other more bird Indugud (Imdugud) - bird storm. They also say that her mother was a cruise virgin Anzu-bird Siris, which the inhabitants of Mesopotamia were revered as the goddess of brewing.
Anzu - There is an ancient and wilderness, and because she was not led by the borders between good and evil, and it embodies both the beginning of time. Bird Zoo is not hostile to people and the gods, she can help serve as the first and second, as a mediator between the inhabitants of heaven and earth, but just as easily and freely to break the man or god, who will be on its way. said that once the charge of Anzu was to protect the inner chambers of Winds Lord Enlil, the supreme ruler of heaven. However, Anzu was smart and ambitious, and when the lord of the gods went to the washroom, Anzu stole the sacred symbol of his power - Tablets of Fate, to change yourself world and all the gods and flew them away. And none of the gods did not dare to follow the rebellious bird Anzu and fight with her, even though they all promised for this great Enlil glory and power. Only a fierce war god Ninurta decided to do battle with the winged pohititelnitsey, he was overtaken by Anzu in the inaccessible mountains, and sent after him poisoned boom, but Anzu raised stolen plates, and read a spell - and the boom began cane, from which it was made, onions back into the grove to the parent tree, branch of which was, once again became a stringer sheep intestine, and feathering the birds have returned. Long did the battle between god and a bird, and only when Anzu lost everything their feathers in a battle with a storm sent by the gods, was able to overcome it Ninurta and back plates of Doom lord Enlil.
However, Anzu - the bird does not lonely, and it is not alien to the instinct of reproduction. Couples Anzu make their nests out of boxwood and juniper on a cliff top, where and derive their chicks whose parents co-fed meat of wild bulls. Ancient legends tell a story about a brave young man named Lugalbanda, who sneaked into the jack and Anzu, waiting until the adult birds will fly away to hunt, feed the hungry chicks and sheep meat pies with honey, as well as those having eaten their fill, slept, decorated jack rich gifts and hid nearby. Meanwhile, Anzu returned to production and began to call their chicks, but chicks were asleep and did not respond. Anzu afraid that someone stole them children and were willing to severely punish the villain, but drew near, they saw their young sleeping and happy, and next to them - and behind the gifts. Birds promised a generous reward those who made it, and then Lugalbanda out of his shelter and Anzu gave him strength and speed tireless runner, which helped him to achieve great victories in battle, glory and power.
likes Anzu also lodge in the branches of ancient willows, which the Sumerians were called Huluppu - the World Tree. It is from crown Huluppu drove Anzu bird with her chicks ancient hero Gilgamesh, to make his wood bed for fertility goddess Inanna.
Persians known as Lord Anzu bird named Simurgh (Simurgh, Persian: سیمرغ). Persian Simurgh not always lvinogolov like Anzu, more often he is the face and woman's breast, and sometimes it is similar to a falcon, endowed with the dog's head. Simurgh is so enormous that could easily carry off in the talons of an elephant or a whale, its feathers the color of copper glow in the air all the colors of the world, and beating its wings generate beautiful sounds of music. Like a bird Anzu, he lives in the branches of the World Tree and brings rain and thunderstorms on their wings. Sigurd is so old that he had seen three times in his life the death of this world. It clears the land of snakes and dragons are fiercely hated. When Simurgh lifts off from its nest, the World Tree branches are set in motion, its seeds spread around the earth wind and rain, giving her fertility and new life.
Arabs Anzu is in the form of a giant bird Ruhh (Rukh; Arabic. رخ), Hindus - the divine bird Garuda (Garuda, Sanskrit: गरुड), North American Indians Lakota know her as thunderbird Vakiyya (Wakįyą), and druids fictional world of Azeroth, like the Sumerian warrior battling the Text of the mighty God Voronov Anzu for the right to fly on the wings like a bird.
This and other articles about the magical creatures from the mythology of different nations can be read on my thematic blog lurking narodec .