In the past five years I collect pictures of the sirens and "sirenopodobnyh" (and if even wider - ornitomorfnyh, "birdlike") creatures: you want to compare how their represented in different cultures around the world. Judging by my pictures, it seems that in the Western tradition, the image of the siren was much less widespread than in Russian. I wonder if this is indeed so, why?
Romanesque capitals of the cathedral monastery San Domingo in Silos, Burgos. End of XI century.
(By the way, in a silo made that same charta lintea, which, according to the author of the novel "The Name of the Rose" and was recorded by the second part of the "Poetics" Aristotle ... Jorge of Burgos, when searching for the best of the Apocalypse for the library, probably been in this monastery.)
Detail Romanesque portal, France, 1140-1175 years.
(The style is strongly reminiscent of Vladimir-Suzdal white stone reliefs ... Thank you for elenaleila picture.)
Thumbnail of bestiary. Time and origin unknown (in predpol. XIII.)
(Interestingly, there is another type of "sirens": "Mermaid", but the legs and wings all the same bird ...)
fragment initials "E" from the manuscript «Vidal Mayor». North-eastern Spain, ok.1290-1310.
(Siren with a male head - not a rarity in Archaic vase painting of ancient Greece (eg, Corinth), but in the art subsequent to time I caught them once, twice - and obchelsya ...)
Thumbnail of Vincent of Beauvais book "Mirror of History".
Gent. ca. 1475
(left of the Sirens - Scylla ...:))
Giovanni Bellini (c. 1430 - 1516). Allegory Moderation.
(in mysterious ways ... and an amazing way to mount the wings - seems to have completely original).
John William Waterhouse (1849-1917). Ulysses and the Sirens. Ok.1891.
(Just like in the movies ...)
Akseli Gallen-Kallela (1865-1931). Protecting Sampo.1890-ies.
(In the 43rd rune Finnish epic "Kalevala" old Louhi, if believe Gallen-Kallela, too, turned to a kind of siren ...)
And finally:
Maurits Esher (1889-1972). Another World (part). 1947
Maurits Esher (1889-1972). Another world. 1946
Maurits Esher (1889-1972). Still Life with a spherical mirror. 1934
... I Eshera Mauritz (Escher) are here muzhelikie and bald, eerie вида сирены встречаются на нескольких гравюрах; их однотипность, очевидно, объясняется тем, что у них был вполне осязаемый вещественный прообраз: металлическая statue, donated by the artist father in law ...