- Herman Schmerman T. Willems choir. William Forsythe
- Rubies Stravinsky choir. George Balanchine
Following the Bolshoi opera and ballet began to modernize. A t to the ballet at home and in the world such as the innovator opernyyChernyakov not then have to collect lumps on the back streets of the world ballet. And EBNM, even in the ballet has to rely on Deutsche Grammophon, the site is written (not read it myself - told), - William Forsythe is in the top three choreographers of the world (the other two, Noymaer and Killian, you know, all the young guys and they have a great future :-)) Why are not covered DG Ratmansky I know not. But tomorrow he grohnet premiere of "The Nutcracker" in Brooklyn, you see, and the Kings will break.
And according to Gershenson large and generally any academic Repertory Theatre simply must have a asset in ballets by Balanchine and Forsythe. Well, that's fucked ...
Why the Bolshoi Theatre is constantly arranges some meshaldu of one-act ballets, impossible to understand. Why harness into a single cart with Balanchine, Forsythe, also a mystery. Want to put stones , well, so putting them all. This somehow could be explained and understood: dilute the repertoire at the expense of neoclassicism, to attract new spectators to please the old, which, although they have seen all is a large number ve even under socialism in English raznovsyacheskih artists, but could bump into memories and posravnivat Osipov, for example, Frances Zyumbo. Yeah, and in a democracy, everything is "nove" not far away, in St. Petersburg, it was. And me, as a person with whom Gershenzon Renanskim, and now Allah Sigalova constantly forced to work on yourself and use one's brains in order to reach out to elected and become a worthy, did not manage to cultivate permanently. Well, judge for yourself, you come, like, trained, and you're in front of Herman Schmerman give, pardon the expression, Serenade, which I have already seen 2 times, so even with Shpilevsky. :-) Well And how can we work on ourselves and reach up to incredible heights ... In this case, had to prepare the body and not the spirit to the perception of innovative delights in Arts officers :-)
What pleased me is that I have not seen before in the performance of the Bolshoi Theater.
course absolutely correct position for the duration works - both ballet and 20 minutes. Well, not a charm for a single viewing and visit the Bolshoi Theater in order to then proudly announce - I was there (But only to remove the hell Serenade, let him go with a C major). And so he went and in 8 of their homes. And it will be when something like this. :-)
If contemplate Herman Shmerman, you can find more pluses. For example, I liked the yellow skirt podtrusnikah on a guy (not me alone). More and remember nothing of the fact that liked it. :-)
The fact that such choreographers as Forsyth Moscow admired in all competitions in fair number ve yet to under socialism, it's understandable. Vanguard ballets, they are somehow the same awful for the past 50 years. Enumerate all the characteristics of this so-called choreography, over which we have actively working head, still quite boring, they all know. Everyone also knows that modern dance refuge of people who have nothing to say. They are each other's peredirayut 2-3 hours on a bare stage + desirable for our public podbavit eerie avant-garde in the form of Anna Okuneva in chiffon shirt without sisyatnika. It was the same delicious spectacle as Denis Savin, a yellow skirt and a shroud. No, the real vanguard of course happened at the very moment when Babeshko from Quintet strong gait, moved to the stage in bathing suits from the Burda Moden the fashion 80's of last century with a highly battened down thighs and no tights. In this case, the illumination on the scene was such the muscles all the dancers have played, and transplanted as a rope. Shagistika stripped all the charm of the inguinal lived about this baletik no one can say that it does not work visible. Oh, how the work is visible ... Forsyth opened the ballet through the looking glass - what is frightening turn may be a ballerina. I've always they seemed just beauty. Meet on the street like nothing special, but the scene will come as navyut tow, crowns ponadevayut, curvy skirts pulled, ears glued, - and the eye does not tear, Beauty and only. Ahn, no - there they are with us: asexual - unisex, hard, clumsy. They even lepitsianami not compare, those dainty, little white. :-)
If you look look at Rubin, then the word good in principle, to say nothing. Suggest that These dances here a breakthrough for the ballerina Osipova, it should be except as Dolchev - th , n h in the ballet he does not understand anything, but if you look at it in terms of adequate rights of the public, well, for example, such as Alfatsentavra, then, of course, much nicer to go to Osipov in La Bayadere and Don Quixote. " P h Rubies her to do nothing and watch it with. Is that on her slippers, "refined" - Rag, while all satin. Or is that zavyazochki that stuck out in all directions. But this is, as always, there is nothing new. To walk with heels Osipova was able to before, run around with his hands in fists, too, as many were. I have repeatedly heard that the Balanchine performers not to play party. But this is a Balanchine and at the Bolshoi Theatre during the performance of Balanchine can build all sorts of faces and muttering something to himself.
Shipulina For her solo too continuous party. Came out, something danced ... Whether business Lilac Fairy, there can fight you can, and here and have nowhere to do it. :-)
Suits in Rubies, they will freak out a handsome, and Lopatin has never been a handsome, easy to understand what happened.
And in the end after seeing there was a big question - and who needed this hodgepodge. Kuznetsova. Gershenzon with Gajewski. That's understandable. But the Grand Theatre on a goat horseradish accordion. Great in the field of ballet has always been theater stars, and Now, despite the current ballet tuhlyak, it is still in this status (n h in the other theaters yet rotten). And what if the ballets in which the stars appear nowhere. After all these stantsovannye our Osipov and Krysanova party stations from any Herman with shmermanom somewhere on the outskirts of Europe on the category C. Yes Rubies and easy for all and sundry in essentially starless NYCB . Of course our lads - caught amerikosy and mastered this superstil. And most importantly managed. T h povoshischatsya our criticism will be nothing.
I say on purpose. Today, under the columns pestered me an intelligent lady, by the way with ID and stamp on it. :-) passionately thanked for the PR, which I do baletfrends in my LJ, and somehow I felt .. that she wants to be friends with me. A t to all ballet, Bahr about his life in art has already told you, my heart feels, the next after Kaptsova I will be with a story about his life around art. Harvest issues. :-)
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