Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dental Letter To Patient

bestiology @ 2008-12-17T10: 53:00

Haradr, kaladry, charadrius Book of Deuteronomy in the translation of Jerome / 14:18 / - One of the most enigmatic birds of a medieval bestiary.

Its plumage - a dazzling whiteness. His litter cures for blindness. Haradr predicts patient death or recovery. He turns away from the patient, if the disease is lethal, and stare into his eyes, if he should survive. Taking the disease itself, he takes off with her to the sun and disperses it through the air. Bestiary and «Aviarium» / 48 / liken white haradra "Light" of Christ. Like haradr, Christ turned away from the Jews because of their disbelief and turned to the Gentiles, taking on the their weakness, rose on the cross and atoned for their sins. As in "Psychologists" in the Bestiary includes the observation that although the Bible haradr belongs to the impure animals, it is possible to see the "likeness of Christ" because dvoyakosti every creature that has both good and evil traits. The Legend of haradre and does not allow understand which of the existing birds had in mind. Haradra tried to identify it with the Plover / Deuteronomy 14:18, then with a white parrot with a wagtail. Legend about haradre pose Philip Tang / 2143-2174 /, William Norman / 457-520 / and Pierre of Beauvais / II.129 /. Albert the Great includes the history haradra in his work without any criticism / XXIII.I.20 /, calling it «caladrius» or «caladrion», but distinguishing it from the «caladris» - a lark, to whom he devotes a special chapter / XXIII.I.26 /. Information about the healing power of haradra back to Pliny / XXX.II.28 /. Aristotle / VIII.593 15; IX 615 in 1 / classifies haradra to seabirds.

[medieval bestiary]


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