fantastic animal Kirin - Japanese character legends and miniature sculpture netsuke. This is a giraffe with a dragon's head, neck, gazelle, lion's mane, legs and hooves of a horse. They say that Kirin height was more than 30 meters and people are sometimes in flames. ...
[mythological bestiary]
Another fantastic creature - "Kirin" - a Taoist gentleman 360 animals and insects. Its occurrence in human life - a good omen. During official ceremonies, the Emperor of Japan put on a robe with the image Kirina .
most perfect animals around the world on Korean mythology is "Kirin" - a fantastic animal, embodies the synthesis of male and femininity ("ki" - a male, "Rin" - female). He has a deer's body, covered with scales, bull curled tail and a soft horn. Kirin embodies the five original elements of all things: water, fire, wood, metal and earth. At the same time it reflected the axiological value of ancient Koreans, Kirin is a symbol peace, joy, integrity and honesty. It seems to us, in the form of "Kirin" begins traced the gradual transition from the mythological images of the future images and ideas of Korean Philosophy: male and female of the universe ("yang" and "th"), the concept of five elements (water, fire, wood, metal and earth) the unity of the universal and human perfection (the concept of heaven "if").
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