Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Av Idols Get Pregnant

GIFTS! Come and claim 'em \\ O /

first five EIGHT people who comment on this post, I will gift you with something of my own crafting. It may be an icon, a manip, a drawing , a ficlet, or something completely random. You may love it or you may think it sucks, but regardless, it will be made with love for you from me. ;)

Feel free to give me a hint of what you might like (ship, character, actor/actress, fandom, color, etc).

The catch? You must pay it forward and post this in your journal so you can gift 5 (or more) of your friends with special gifts made by you.

If you already had the chance for some love by me, please wait for other people to try and claim. If there are still empty spots in the next days, then, feel free to take another chance if you want so.
My reply to your request will come in 48/72 hours as soon as possible .

(copiato parissimo da [info] el_defe  perché sì  /o/)


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