Title: Men fatigue
Fandom: Original
Characters / Pairing: Donnacha, Ralph
Rating: G
325 Warning: OMG FLUFF
Disclaimer: The fic is mine, the characters are mine and pandorasvase \\ O /
Notes: Written with the prompt Christmas of bingo_italia
Ralph puts his steaming cups on the table.
"It's a passion you have for Christmas decorations or you just like our tree?" Canzona partner, committed to arrange for once again the balls and angel hair.
"No, it's just our own, I would not dream of betraying him to another tree." Retorted the professor of literature, with a slight smile before giving it his business to pick up their cup. "Thanks for the chocolate."
"Oh, is the minimum of effort for my man, right?" Ralph replies, before sitting on the couch.
"I like to be paid in hot chocolate. And then, hey, I sleep with my boss. "Donnacha chuckles, before taking a seat beside him.
"This entitles you to a host of enviable benefits, right? "
" In fact, for example, I decide that I give the cat boxes. "
" Think what a lucky man! "
" Every morning I wake up and smile in the world, faced with this prospect. "
Ralph laughs and blowing on the chocolate. "I'm glad that makes you so happy to choose the cans Furball."
"Oh, beyond measure ..." He chuckles Donnacha. "You know ... Christmas is not the first step in a panic, along with a lot of people not even know. "
" Oh, well, it's your first Christmas as my man of toil. "retorted Ralph and systems to be against his shoulder.
"I never imagined being so happy to be enslaved ..." My colleague
winks. "But I never imagined it to be enslaved by me."
"Although this is absolutely true." He smiles.
Furball enter into the living room and elegantly stretching before jumping on the couch.
"But look, we can rejoice in His Imperial Majesty with his company ..." Don laughs, patting the big cat. The feline
fuseggia, to reach out his hand enthusiastically.
"I always say, thou vices too, that cat ..."
"When I act with you so do not complain, though."
"Well, but it is clear I want that you behave like that with me. "Ralph says, pretending to be offended.
"I am extremely sorry for having disappointed."
"That's better ..." chuckled the other, before you kiss.
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