Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pokemon Soul Silver English Antifreeze

"Don Quixote" by the Bolshoi Theater 27.02.2011

Today we bid farewell to the State Kremlin Palace, n h, according to rumors, the Bolshoi Ballet will not go here anymore. At Kremlevbalet we not go trained and Stas Mikhailov Hvorostovsky and steep popoyut without us - they have their own audience.
say goodbye came many. Free places almost was not, well, except for those on which we usideli. True, they were not the trump, and therefore turned rolls are what have turned out , and kindly requested to shmondarevtsam - forum Friends of the ballet they do not drag.

But it prEambula. And the essence of the ballet "Don Quixote" I'm not going there to explain. Everything in it as it was, so it is. Furthermore nesochetuemogo combination Maria Alexandrova, Ivan Vasiliev and two debuts - Anna Okuneva and Angelina Vorontsova.
Again rumored that something like a lot of it turned out, Ivan Vasiliev and did dance with high blood pressure and blood from the nose. All others were healthy, that does not stop them from fooling anyone in that much. :-)

At the time, I saw the debut of Maria Alexandrova as Kitri is still the Bolshoi Theater. Since then, little has changed. Only now has to bend back worse, so the variation with castanets deflections in Sissonne hands behind his leg can not be obtained. And what happens a look.

The small movements of beads is not increased. Veer beauty pizzicato not added. Least successful was the variation in the Dryad. I do not know why the dancer, who recently danced so gracefully, "Talisman" with Lobukhin in famous solo "Dream" could not sing a single motion. It was a tough and clumsy Pts.

And still our principle dancer not jump 5 large jeté in the diagonal, and make 3 to perepryzhkami. And there were times and have been a ballerina at the Bolshoi, who once danced the "Don Quixote" in the Palace made to 7 and no perepryzhek.

Moreover, there were times when street dancers in the BT danced with actress leap. They could play the anything, but just barely bouncing between blades, which I have never seen before. Today, Hall watched a street, who performed the variation in the pedestrian plan. But her skirt while on the left hip dancer Okunev not forgot to pick up a thing Nimaga . Maybe someone, and this role seemed to taste better. I do not.

second debut is absolutely no way to recognize successful for one simple reason - Angelina Vorontsov lucky arabesque on his finger up to touch the ice , - oh, sorry :-), sex with his hands. But it was a debut, which actually failed. Vorontsov, as I mentioned earlier, is different - people uncommon expression - its own personality. Few people can dance to Queen of the Dryads so gently, as she did. Excellent! worked on his hands. I do not know who's there "guilty", she or Tsiskaridze, but such a good set soft hands in the Big Bolshoi no one. Constantly sticking out in all directions, the angles can be a strong and modern, but classical dance has nothing to do. And Vorontsova with hands full order.

Besides those arabesques that she might not fall, were exclusively chased and beautiful in form. And tours were too, all in a big order. T e for its equipment does not have to worry about. Well, respectively, from the corner, because of which I watched immediately evident that went Ballerina. And how would someone not want iznichtozhit Vorontsov as a class, if it is health and desire to work, it will still be dancing the lead roles in BT and watch for it is still Pts intresno.

why it seemed to me that Alexander and Vassiliev people from different sportobschestv? Yes because! :-) When Alexandrov rises in the pointe shoes it becomes higher Vasilyeva a whole head. And sometimes, when they approach each other, who takes the question who will pick up. :-)
With Supports any more questions ... Understandably, in the 1-m instrument no longer make 3 flag on different hands: two on the right - one on the left. Vasiliev two on the right has done superbly, and on the left is not even going, n h right now at this point the general partners are doing a parallel jump. But Vasiliev and it did not bother, but simply annexed his partner, he admired how she jumped off and went to the source.
And in the tavern, too, it was interesting to watch the famous moment when the partners have jump toward each other: Alexandrova jump, and Vasiliev was walking toward her. Clear pepper, he's always in stock slaughtering the last act, where he was 3 times jump and the audience will forget everything. Yet somehow I would like more entuziazizma during the performance. :-) Let's just say, - more bazilyanstva. :-)
V plus can supply variation in the first act. Between feces and Zhoponitoy I. Vasiliev danced och bad (well, even if he is badly danced)

And in general to sluggish performances in the course of the play a good reason still was. "Don Quixote" of course, his ballet, and I hope that our Osya Vasya and cinemas in Europe in the near future will not let you down.

sorry to part with the Palace ... 600 rubles a bottle of champagne, though, the theater Gogol 350, but remember the TDB - 1000! And with this something must be done :-)

Thanks again to my LJ-boyfriend for a wonderfully spent with them through the evening.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Will Ferrell Fart Commercial

[Original] [Joyce & Jodie] Staff, 20

Author Name: A. Denial ( [info] a_the_denial )
Fandom: Original
Claim: Joyce & Jodie
Set: Staff
Picture number: 20
Rating: PG Warnings
: nonsense

Bizzarrie - Chapter 2 - The clock marks the moment of opening