Saturday, February 12, 2011

Can U Pinpoint When U Get Herpes

Tour Ballet de L'Opéra National de Paris at the Bolshoi Theater 12.02.2011 (evening)

  • suite in white
  • Arlésienne

Somehow dumb from opera to ballet to come back ...:-)
But there is nothing, n h, after all event - the French 20 years later in Moscow, headed by Brigitte Lefèvre. And Brigitte Lefevre - I now know - is the most senior specialist in the field of ballet. I'm telling you , - said Mr. Iksanov on telepuzeru, and I recently believe him.
Well of course all this already looked. Some obkatarsilis realized finally that this ballet. Separate line was moaning about Nicolas Le Riche in the Bolero, with this line with the mandatory aspirated, which belongs only to true connoisseurs horEografii, and such experts Bolshoi Theatre all ladders clogged. Well I decided oskoromitsya ...

After boa Italian and German jackets brilliant Bolshoi flashed ladies boots with the salt stains, worn sneakers, and those who bought tickets in the stalls for 6000, a red scarf from Donna Karan.
T to our many critics go only when in the lobby serves a complimentary coffee maker, today, of this tribe is not seen nobody.
From the outset it was decided to look from top to comply with the freedom of movement - if something is wrong - leave, go somewhere, then come back, if not go away. Such an attitude has developed pofigistskoe due that on the eve of one of the giants syrezhki told me that her condition was not convinced by the French company. And if it was not convinced, then I could do a house sit. :-) But no, Iksanov starts to advertise something, and pulls to see with my own eyes. :-) And I m to be completely "prepared" state of the French troupe me completely convinced that any revelations from her at the moment is not expected.

First things first zaludili "Suite in white" with some music Namuna Lalo here it is about the same namunolalo is - do not understand about that. :-) This, of course, Lifar, 1943 All of course in white: who in packs, who Tunick. Sex and the scenes of course black, but the linoleum was more or less pure (supposedly brought her) Do not say that 50 minutes of flying is not noticeable, but I survived.
from the memory. in the troupe have large and small Étoiles. But these and others that way years ago, on 20 Sujet would not have gone, and now here you are you Etoile with a 41-m number of legs. From the male of only learned Paquette / Karl Paquette /, t to see him in "Romeo" in the Kremlin. It seemed to me that there oshivalsya also Gagne / Mathieu Ganio /, but in the darkness of his name in programmke not found. If anyone knows someone in the photo with bows, that I failed Pts :-), can tell, though I can not promise that I will remember those names.
dancing. Well, DAaaaaaa - all vyvorotnye. :-) But leg curves also occur :-) And I still think my idea and carry it to the masses - I think this is the result of creative effort Procter & Gamble to introduce diapers in our lives. For some time a straight leg is a rare jewel, like discounts on Aeroflot. Well be on the street, but now also on the scene with painstaking selection of the best the world's expert on ballet.
About men say nothing, except that too small - that dance that for a body type, and the strength lichnocti (I really have not seen Le Risch in Bolero, but I saw him at the time of Spartacus, and even remember the broom, which was thrown Bylov in this performance; ebnm that I just can not remember)

"Arlésienne. This is the play that are going to develop at the Bolshoi. Lord, God of mercy , we just now have not enough. I'm from all over Duri confused "Arlésienne" with "cocked" and expected that they will topotuhi patter, and it was about unhappy love, as in opera.
The girl-Clairemarie Osta was also 41-th foot size, and the man who in this case was for Vassiliev, named Jérémie Bélingard, was quite even and nothing. And not only with the person who is seen in the photo, which I managed :-), but also with dance A :-). Boredom is certainly green, but it was not long and I was thinking, not blame for me at all, and began to collect belongings output. But the light is not included and all the people sitting ... It turned out that without any interruption French decided to finish off Hall Bolero.

In "Bolero" for Nicolas Le Risch was Eual Marie-Agnès Gillot. It is small in its largest, although Spartacus at the Bolshoi was not dancing :-), so with her creativity, met for the first time. Well, okay, it all made ( not understand what it all so abused ). Does it really matter who it is on this table, writhing. "Bolero" by Ravel, even when no one on the table is not necessary, but only orchestra sits, still in a decent performance leads to a hurricane in the hall. And that was at this time. The older generation likes to recall what was Jorge Donn, type it was just oil, spread out on the table. Marie-Agnes Zhiyo (Gilles?) Was far less edible and looks like an open more Bakugan. :-) For me - and so possible. And syak possible. :-)
:-) But I still disagree with the manner of the French cavalry to turn the ladies round the waist in a pit tours . Maybe I is not said to the village, but It's time to learn French cavalry just stick to touring ballet dancer, and these are constantly fed up with claw hands. Where to look Lefebvre ..? :-)

And finally. Want pogoroditsya photo, which I managed :-) and that as a kiss fairies, managed to wrest from Etoile Gillot :-). In the end, so I got sick away from the theater that I came almost last, and during this time Gilles has already managed to swim, wear and fasten beretku 10 Tee centimeter rods - here our way, then crossed. :-) And here's what happened.

I was like, despite the bitter cold, someone else syrnut , but everything is run in different directions. Old. Do not have time :-)
Oh, I forgot - the "Park" will not go, well, the hell of Preljocaj :-)


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