Pagliacci / Cavalleria rusticana Teatro alla Scala 05.02.2011
T eatro alla Scala recently rolled into the same cesspool that is our greatest ... Start with at least the fact that everyone respects a spectator tickets to the premiere now not to bother, n h, as a rule, the next prime minister in Scala - another strike. But first, after first night is famous because it becomes quite clear from the xy-who, EM who pay Cluck, who is not. Will not go far, remember, "Simon Boccanegra" which was zabukan second strike after submission. Got even masetro Placido Domingo, who apparently refused to pay. And it could be. After this premiere performances are starting to go for a normal audience and the picture changes completely.
I was able to attend the premiere last CavPag block (or rather, PagCav. - "Pagliacci" were given the first number). Sostavchik got to put it mildly, a peculiar, but two of my interests - namely
José Cura and
Luciana D'Intino , - had been met. All else because of Ambrogio Maestri, Kristīne Opolais, conductor Daniel Harding, Korean tenor Yonghoon Lee was
minor matters . For those who are in the tank - all tickets were sold, and my many thanks Italian friends who helped with a place in the stalls.

La Scala opened the door for me the first time. It was interesting to all. What kind of audience, how to dress, what they drink, how behave and so on. How to play and sing, until recently, I thought the reference. After a visit in doubt.
few words about the theater, who in his time Iksanov called provincial. And, gosh, I'm starting to agree with him (you see, after some time we will reach consensus on the issue of genius directed H) ... Of course, not overdressed peasants
in unfinished tuxedos and chains mayor on his chest as ushers are impressive, but at the same place on the ticket, according to seat me, succeeded only after the 3-th of them treatment. Looks like they badly oriented in gibberish markup chairs. Repairs were made recently, but the tracks on the stairs all been knocked out, and laminate flooring in the stalls quietly leave. I sincerely hope that we have at the Bolshoi Theatre after the repair that does not happen. In fact, Milan is certainly the center of fashion, but men's fashion center, so the male part of the audience was dressed immaculately. Well, ladies, of course, not hit the dirt face: diamonds, boas, capes and even fur coats (at +13 ° in the street), which, as with loved ones, they do not leave even a play (this is done Seated next to me the lady with the stick, in my opinion, some rock in the distant past, n h is painfully all with her worn, alas I did not recognize her) entrance to the stalls, too interesting, but not the original - about the same as in Covent Garden: first you go down a few steps down - there is a locker room without a single seating, and then as the dungeon crawl upstairs to the ground. And it turns out that the orchestra is unique and a very small lobby entrance. I'm so telling detail, n h, hanging around only this point, all the others, it seemed to me impossible. :-) Most trump place in rock baignoire and mezzanine, and there the buffet is not all-and start up, there otkushivayut only a special asses. The day before, a friend of mine was a special ass - told how many mirrors))).
Gospodyayaya , if only Mr. Iksanov did not accept this in our Grand Theatre, then how can we in the mezzanine boxes stand and cheer performers ...
On the right side still have the door - this is the entrance to the Ground Buffet area not more than 20m, but with a vestibule, which ... Insurance Fund. And you, as a good Soviet canteen, first pay havchik, and then with a receipt stamp at hand. Juice of 4 €, the champagne did not have enough forces. :-) During the intermission, the whole parterre horde rushes into the small foyer, pre otavaryas champagne, and there is observed pattern is very similar to the one in which we find ourselves in the morning in the train station - all are closely huddled together, and ... Yelling, mostly in Italian. :-)
But to business. The lights went out. And the "divine" nevmeste joined the orchestra of La Scala. I'm glad :-), that's because, at the old lady is prorushka. The curtain and ... For some reason showed scenery, looking at her frankly felt sad, n h promised to be a bridge rezhopera, but the curtain quickly slammed (Why open, do not understand) and fell out with a prologue ogromennogo size with a big belly Ambrogio Maestri. At this point, as something very suspicious parted string and it turned out that the unusual formation of this group, especially Rock Band can not be proud. Actually, this is so and continued throughout the performance. Maestri - not shaky or staggering - a very commonly sung. But I have it on the suspect: he was not a single beech on the first play, and this is a sign of giving hands :-). Culmination
cult solo otovaril not so hot as small sipanul and immediately whisked behind the curtain. The audience waited honestly when my music and started yelling. Maestri left the bow, and immediately began doing all the pen-bye. The hint was understood and silence in the hall once again restored.
Then again opened Curtain and rushed «Pagliacci» directed by Mario Martone.
about posing. Seen and better ... On the scene black and truhlo. For modernity meet nadorkestrovye box score extras; bridges to jump over the pit in the hall; the car on which Silvio famously raced on a date, a large number of acrobats, once plucked chicken y Tonio, and complete lack of daub their faces. THEOREM Canio singing
Recitar , anything with his face at this moment does not. Directing more of nothing to say, except that Canio kills Silvio in the pit (between pit and 1 st row), says the final
La comedia è finita and walks down the aisle on the way out of the room. But this news is too not news - is already on the Verona Arena and in the performance of the same chickens, but only when he had to flee, and left here in peace.
Across the leaves, that Ambrogio Maestri actor one role - a perfect Falstaff - for him there and play there is nothing, look for him playing Where have anything to represent, regardless of its physique, once the problems begin. Very pleased with how absentminded, Tonio, Maestri was at the time to explain to Canio Nedda in the final. Yes and everything else was too. Unfortunately manhood of his hero in a scene molestation Maestri also did not show quick and Aquatic Neddy performed Christina Opolays was very easy to be repulsed by him, which she did. But this mission is physically impossible for the maestro, he tears under a bridge barely funny grins hall. Filmmaker still have to think of what he has to do before you issue such a problem for singers. And yet I think I was lucky, n h, the second in a Cast Mastromarino is declared - and this is even worse.
In turn Opolays just pleased with his reading of the role. Nedda in her pergidrolnaya blonde, frankly, with a very nice figure: bust, waist - all in place. But much like the beginning to lure ... it's there, straight as a courtesan our next generation from the ballet Spartacus - a softer hips, The girls :-)
voice, as he was, and remains - a sharp, piercing, still unpainted anything stupid, and unfortunately veristkuyu music
with eggs bad transmitter. But there were many eggs in the game: both lay on the floor, and gesticulated frantically and
birds sang so, as if it's not a bird, and phalluses around the fly. :-) The latest high if it can be called a high note has fiercely beskomromissno, to enhance its high-altitude lifting arm. Melody of a ended and the hall ... a puzzled look on stage ... Then he heard the applause and the liquid in this story about Neddy performed by Christina Opolays can be considered full and complete. Now I think I know how to rock pass such singer-our pride, as
Oksana Duque, Cristina opolaysy and Anna Samuel - did they there do not pass.
And as always the subject of contention - ing. José Cura. Just today read quite remarkable vraninu on OperaNews.Ru in English, Ms. Sorokina, which is this stage is a big fan of talent tenor curls. T for Sorokin long we have considered the oracle of the fact that he lives in a village near with Verona, in terms of curls she prophesied that all the theaters of the world with zavtrashengo day will fight for this singer. And 10 years ago, she prophesied that the name of the singer Larissa Diadkova will live forever in the annals of the Arena di Verona. If the curls will happen is the same as with Diadkova, I did not congratulate him.
seems to me, review Sorokina, - another baletnitsy, writing about the opera - written with words or a certain part of the Digest of criticism, n h, you know, this Hochma, as there was no applause after
Vesti la giubba did not like for people, even a little understanding of the opera. After the famous aria is a musical proirysh quite yet long and its in decent theaters are not interrupted by applause. According to the libretto's aria Canio completes the first act of the opera and staged at La Scala curtain closes and in my case was just moaning, n h Cura sang beautifully. This aria for him as a 2 finger on the asphalt, he once again and proved. By the way, the musical fragment twice tried to break into applause and shouts of Bravo, but then the bulk of the audience shush. To the west is not accepted in the opera pop across music. Why does not know Sorokina, probably because the theater did not go ...
paying dearly February 5th the public was extremely gracious to Kure, and execution worth it.
In a beautiful phrase
«Un grande spettacolo a ventitre ore» high note Kura took exceptionally well and held it without any roosters, as indeed it always does (I'm something of his often listen to what Sorokin). Moreover, after this note! Bravo began yelling across the music but again the bulk of the audience hissed.
the game. Canio is one of the best games Hens. About red faces, it's something to do with lingerie and singing does not have a decent critic before writing a 10-fold to thought. With respect to sudden stops that do not like the nearby residents of Verona, well, so that, you know,
il verismo . And such tricks called rubato. He was an integral part of this opera direction. Moreover, within a certain musical artist can supply away from Orchestra. The main thing is that they came together at the end. Only Kur itself and allows such execution. And rightly so. Others are afraid of .. and then suddenly Sorokina not like it.
Success at the end was very noisy. No "Boo." Ovation has got everything. Fairness and good Opolays clapped and shouted, much Kure output was simply hurricane. That's the whole truth about how was the performance "Pagliacci" at La Scala.
T eper pro «Cavalleria rusticana», about which I always thought that this opera rezhoperoy ispohabit impossible. But no - turns out even as much as possible. At least, I am proud to announce this performance is worse in my memory was not. La Scala easy to distinguish. From the scene attracted waves of misery, lack of money, lack of talent and creative sterility. I do not want to talk about this director, I absolutely not interested in his ideas, but feel sorry for the singers. Though not all, some were worth what they are doing.
It takes place on an empty black stage, cluttered, Guess what, right - the chairs. Sitting on chairs, guess who is correct - the chorus. And turning his back or face to show what is going on a sort of manner attitude. Oborzhalsya of my favorite pieces - a prayer Regina coeli: somewhere left of the thieves appeared servant, on a stick he had dangled the crucifix, and in his hand a censer, which he fanned all domahalsya and before that made a smoke screen on the stage, on which he already was nothing visible. They are all still good fellows, rezhopery, able spifflicate best moments. It turns out they have a piece of crap out candy fudge. And musically this is one of the most winning moments of the opera not impressed. Choir which is not Italian - and nasty voice broke, and was not much coherence, and transitions bluff from p to f. In general, this is not rock, and garbage some turns. Something like a tuhlyachkom incurred.
Korean tenor depicting Turiddu, it was just a celebration of some sort. :-) It's a pity of course, that it was not Lichitra, (although the material was not his, but he is a professional and quality Pts singer) his presence at the scene somehow be brightened idiotic statement. So no same to the formulation also Yonghoon Lee, - sort of a funny creature, kruglomordenkoe, lean, and honestly trying to win back what he absolutely not on the teeth. I just started laugh out loud, attracting the attention of the public when Turiddu Lee in the form of Lola, get out ... nadorkestrovoy of the box, shook himself like stale stallion and these his goat snout toward Santutstsy that prevents enjoy socializing with cutie, piled up a performance to a level of comic verse. Asians in the opera is of course not bad, and many like it, but it's very funny. :-) Such fun igruli and they have so much of something from the kabuki, which we do not understand :-)
Even the voice was, which I said that he
fucking . What's the truth -
fucking on contrary .
Legatirovany kid hideous voice, but sings slowly, that actually inappropriate in the Rural honor. " Game voice is approximately the same level as the game face and body. And something terrible with rank and file: the fact that the tenor published, going for exorbitant
for him lower classes, causing tears of emotion - a person does not have those notes, but he wanted them to sound and he does it with what he can. I believe that this "fucking tenor" had no "Boo" at La Scala, and nowhere at all. Because fuck it who needs money and he does not have to pay hlopunam. But sings with all! Do not go to me to listen to his Deutsche Oper in Carmen:)
of the men was still moderate baritone Ivan Inverardi, who served Alfio, but he did not go with a censer, and not getting out of the box, so there is nothing to tell about it.
Well, then, because of what. One of my favorite singers Luciana D'Intino.
Impressions duals.
On the one hand, it is hard in this play do anything useful: firstly, difficult even to play something, when all is reduced to the role of walking up and down the front of the stage and attempts to show love to a very trifling subject, and secondly, troubled appeared in the voice of D'Intino dips in the power of sound.
On the other hand, even in this scenario the only positive singer who saved this show. Her incredible Currently mezzo, which now simply not exist in nature, still produces a luxurious look and her top notes are still perfect.
play in a play D'Intino did not even try, on the part of the performance was almost polukontsertnym. P h start playing it, would have made a farce - incest mother and son. Therefore, the main U.S. singer has done for music and voice. And it is not lost.
relatively conductor Daniel Harding, which is rude, rumored to be on every play. On this, too, after Hamili "Rural credit. Well, yes and the orchestra did not look luxurious. But there is no certainty that the blame Harding. Here we have the same orchestra plays as plays
, which conductors he does not bet. Same happens with the rock. Applause and Bravo musicians got one of the Intermezzo. But it was an average performance and to listen to this, did not have to go to Milan. We have to play every concert so with varying success.
Well, thank God, everything ended.
ends and I am afraid to count :-)
At 23.10 on sluzhebku alternates. Clearly, all
clowns already run in different directions, well, I think, though the tenor Lee seized by the gills. And it turned out interesting details Pts skalovskogo podsyra:
- It is crowd of people. Half of them young people, zhruschaya ice
- No programmok and, God forgive me album in the hands of no one keeps
- camera no one
- Why come to the mind boggles. :-)
came out some
Ivan Ivanovich , he was approached a man 6. Kissed. Poobnimalis. Gone ...
And poor Lee, as it turned out, was modestly with some tetradochkoy next to me, absolutely no one treated kindly. :-) It was only after some old guy running past told him "bravissimi, it became clear that this man is an ulterior motive here - waiting for affection. A caress no. :-(
At this moment came the D * Intini, which is the scene seemed very plump, but in life was, as always. To her there and then jumped some her friends in fur coats and ... as they went balabonit, mamma mia, that even once, and was awkward to come ... So, from just under Tishka spy. :-)
In short, this is not podsyrnik and punishment exists. A crowd of people, and who are waiting for is unclear. :-)