[Original] Never More [Night Bianca]
Ficlet written for the White Night, 155 words of anguished nothing / O \\
Never again, he had vowed, never again would allow him to put it on the wall and make him what he wanted , like a doll or a hooker any.
Not after she had seen him with that girl at the party, to promise the sky and the stars just for a fuck.
knew that scene, had already seen.
only instead of beating and naive girl, he was there.
He had to lift a skirt or elegant lace panties undressing blushing.
But remember the man's weight against my back, the smell of perfume mixed class of cigar smoke, with a small sharp point of alcohol to pinch the nostrils.
The same smell that now closes the stomach and makes my eyes burn with anger, humiliation and frustration.
But never let that man put it on the wall, I swear again.
If only render the soul, he would know that we can fulfill this promise.
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